The Halo Effect
Halos Over Europe 2025

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The Halo Effect - Halos Over Europe 2025

  • Clubkonzert
  • 49,95€
Tickets online buchen*

THE HALO EFFECT released their debut album Days of the Lost in August 2022 and unleashed a sonic onslaught of blistering riffs, thunderous rhythms, and haunting melodies that captured the zeitgeist of the 90-ies Gothenburg era and hit the charts all over Europe: # 1 in Sweden, # 3 in UK, # 6 in Germany, Austria and Finland and # 8 in Switzerland.

Led by the unmistakable growls of Mikael Stanne, the masterful guitar work of Niclas Engelin, the thunderous bass of Peter Iwers, the relentless drumming of Daniel Svensson, and the visionary compositions of Jesper Strömblad, THE HALO EFFECT burst onto the scene with an intensity that left listeners breathless.

An extensive European tour with MACHINE HEAD and AMON AMARTH followed, as well as all major festivals in Europe.

In March 2024, THE HALO EFFECT joined fellow countrymen of MESHUGGAH for their European tour.

Now its time to announce their first headline tour in Europe for early 2025.

The fans can expect a packed set with fan favourites from the debut album and also to hear some new tunes, since the band is busy working on their new album.

Special guest on this tour will be industrial outfit and label mates PAIN, which will release their new album I Am on May 17th.

And to round up this great package, melo-death shooting stars from Finland, BLOODRED HOURGLASS, will join as a support.

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*Über die Einbindung dieses mit *Sternchen markierten Angebots erhält der Betreiber der Webseite beim Kauf möglicherweise eine Provision vom Händler. Die gekauften Tickets werden dadurch für Sie als Nutzerinnen und Nutzer nicht teurer.

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