imgp3588, © Helge Masch

Gartenquiz @home

Gartenquiz @home

  • Nature & environment
  • online event
  • Free of charge

The series of events "Garden Quiz @home" takes place online via Zoom. Participation is free, but registration is required.

Quizmaster: Helge Masch - Special Botanical Garden

Test your knowledge with the garden quiz @home. The quiz master, Helge Masch, has a colorful bouquet of questions waiting to be answered! There are only winners in the plant quiz, because the focus is on the fun factor and the plants.

Each appointment has a topic focus. This is reflected in every third question.
February 11, 2023 - Parsley - Poisonous Plant of the Year 2022
March 18, 2023 - Shrubbers
November 4, 2023 - winter - blossoms, care, weather
December 2, 2023 - conifers


Game Rules:
- You can participate alone, or gather friends around your computer to form a team.
- Each team receives a sheet on which the solutions are noted.
- You can select questions from different categories.
- The teams are called in order to select the category. The question is then determined by a random number generator.
- Every third question deals with the topic of the month.
- Questions will be asked until 7:30 p.m.
- You have 1 minute to answer a question.
- Teams that cheat by looking for answers on the internet have only themselves to blame as they will have less fun.
- In the second part, the correct answers are given and the questions are discussed.

Participation is free! | Registration required!
Please use the ticket button and the following online form for your registration. Registrations are possible until the start of the offer!


The "Garden Knowledge @home" series of events is made possible with the kind support of the Loki Schmidt Foundation . Thank you for this!

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Topics since 2021

December 11, 2021: Christmas botany, i.e. indoor plants, fruits and spices that play a special role around Christmas.
January 8, 2022: Orchids, this is about the care, the German names and the use of the popular plants.
February 5, 2022: Potato, a historical plant between tasty and poisonous!
March 12, 2022: bulbs, tulips, daffodils and others...
October 15, 2022: Deciduous trees - everything to do with the woody fellows
November 12, 2022: Tea - It's Teatime - Questions about the leaves of the tea bush
December 10, 2022: Indoor plants - care, origin and knowledge of plants
January 14, 2023 - The cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) - Snacking on chocolate is not enough today :-)

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