Häkelbüdel Club(1), © LAB e.V.

Der Häkelbüdel Club am Hansaplatz

Der Häkelbüdel Club am Hansaplatz

  • for senior citizens
  • queer friendly
  • Free of charge

The LAB St. Georg offers everyone from the St. Georg district and the surrounding area who loves handicrafts the opportunity to meet in a friendly atmosphere, to exchange ideas and to pursue their hobby. In the Häkelbüdel Club you can knit, embroider, crochet, do crafts, fold or glue and much more. Everyone brings their own work materials, we have coffee and tea on site. Dorothee Schlickewei, an enthusiastic knitter, is happy about anyone who would like to come along and enrich the group.

The club starts in October and we meet once a month on the second Monday of the month! All people and genders welcome!

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