ABOUT VIEWS Photographs by Jens Knigge

ABOUT VIEWS Photographs by Jens Knigge

    Analog black and white photography is the medium with which Jens Knigge deals with the world in a strongly focused way. Exposures are used to capture details

    Jens Knigge was born in 1964 in Eilenburg near Leipzig, grew up in Jena and lives and works in Berlin. He specializes in the platinum-palladium printing process, a historical and sophisticated method that allows for particularly fine shades of grey and exceptional durability of the images. The images have a subtle, almost painterly quality, which is created by the manual work involved in each print.

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    09/03/2025 / 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM / Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G), Hamburg

    Glitter sparkles and shimmers, fascinates and outrages. It can be found on stages as well as on protest posters and in children’s rooms. Glitter is omnipresent – and yet the MK&G is…

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